Monday, February 5, 2007

Knitting (and blogging) the tongue-out way

When I was a kid, I had Barbie dolls. Those were the good old days: Barbie and Ken were together, and 80’s fashions were on their first go-round. My grandma, in all her loving grandma-ness crocheted for me several gorgeous clothes for my dolls. While that is a story for another day, let me just say that these clothes are beautiful and complex, and are on the short list of my most treasured items.

When she crocheted, my grandma would often stick her tongue out. Was this intentional? Did she know she was doing it? Was her tongue an antenna up to the Gods of All Things Fiber to channel their energy? I never knew until I learned to knit and crochet myself, and realized that, unconsciously, I was sticking my tongue out.

It turns out that the tongue is not an antenna to the Gods of All Things Fiber, or if it is mine is certainly broken. From my own research, I have learned that it is a reflex that occurs when concentrating on something that pushes the boundaries of ones knowledge. There is evidence that this trait is genetic, but I doubt that it is contagious as I have yet to see any people at my local knitting group afflicted. This, of course, raises the possibility that tongue-out knitting is something not to be discussed or done in public. My fear on that score was relieved when David Reidy announced on his podcast, Sticks and String, that he too is a tongue-out knitter. Good. At least I’m not alone.

The reason I have sub-titled this blog “Perfecting tongue-out knitting since 2006” is simple. I have recently learned to knit (again, a post for another day). At this point in what I hope to be a long knitting career, the only thing I can do automatically, with confidence and consistency, is to stick my tongue out while I knit. I can’t pride myself on being born with needles in my hand (sparing mom in the process, of course). I can’t boast about finishing difficult pieces or knitting with speed and accuracy. The fact is, I knit, and that is good enough for now.

My main criteria for choosing a pattern at this point is not whether or not it’s easy or if I think I can do it. It’s just if I WANT to do it. Granted, a LYS owner might have thought I was crazy for wanting to do socks as a third project, but I embrace the challenge. I embrace the opportunity to knit with my tongue out.

I’ve quickly learned that setting up a knitting blog is also “aided” by sticking ones tongue out. Suffice it to say that I’ve wanted to start a proper knitting blog for awhile but in my own perfectionist way, I wanted it to be just right before going live with it. It’s not just right now, nor will it likely ever be. The fact is, it’s here, and that’s good enough for now.

My goal here in this blog is not just to post WIPs and FOs (Works-In-Progress and Finished Objects), but also to post mini-reviews on other things that a knitter might enjoy or that might make their knitting life more enjoyable. Essays as the inspiration strikes, but be forewarned that I’ve never professed to being a writer.

Finally, because I want to start this blog properly, here is a picture I’d like to share. This is my grandma holding me. Yes, I’m sticking my tongue out. No, I didn’t choose the hat.

Feel free to drop comments, hints, tips, suggestions, great recipes or whatever else might inspire you. :)


semfem said...

Could I possibly be the very first commenter? w00t! What a great-looking blog and an excellent way to start things off. :)

pampootie said...

Great blog Sonja, you've set it up really well, so much going on. Will check in regularly - thanks ofr putting me on your blog list :)

see you soon at manna E x

blueadt said...

Hi Sonja

I've just found you via the counter on my blog - both the blog & hat look fantastic!
