Wednesday, December 12, 2007

2007 Blog-in-Review

I thought I would take a few minutes to follow boogaj's example and look back at the first line of the first post of each month.

Without further ado, 2007 in review...

When I was a kid, I had Barbie dolls. Those were the good old days: Barbie and Ken were together, and 80’s fashions were on their first go-round.

My husband, who I tend to call Mr. Tall in the blogosphere, bikes and trains to work every day.

I think the anti-stash gods are conspiring against me (or conspiring with my husband, whatever the case may be).

World Wide Knit in Public Day is coming up!!

I haven't forgotten!

My sister-in-law's shower is scheduled for July 14.

On Sunday, August 5th, my brother and his wife welcomed a beautiful new edition to their family.

I'm sure that Eleanor Roosevelt never intended this statement to be applied towards something as harmless as knitted footwear.

Last Friday, the day after I posted about the sale at my LYS, I came home to find this waiting for me:

Today, I'm kicking off NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) with birthday wishes for my dear husband.

In theory, reusable grocery bags are a great idea.


Anonymous said...

Cool! Thanks for playing along!

The Spaids said...

Hey - got your question about the llama wool. I think they give it to a pool that collects llama and alpaca wool, then turns it into stuff. Last year my dad got a felted llama wool vest. It is pretty awesome! I'll ask at Christmas if they have any I could send you, if you like. BTW- how's the UK? I've lurked on your blog quite a bit!
